Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hi Everyone!! Well it’s been a while and that’s not a stretch from the truth… As business gets busier, free time starts to dwindle and before you know it… it’s 3 weeks and you have no idea what happened to all those days in between.
Last time we “talked” I had just finished doing a birthday cake with a jungle theme for a cutesy 3 year old girl. I did mention there that we were going to start working on our first bridal show. So we did, but as soon as we did, we got 6 projects that we needed to work on and finish before Sunday, April 17th-2010.
So… here we are… ok ok ok… enough excuses lol… time to give you guys the scoop…
This project was a very special one because this was a request from Dad for his daughter and his fiancée… how cute is that?!?!?!?! He asked for a sketch for both cakes and we went from there… after many many changes, we finally got everything how he wanted it. There were 2 birthdays, his daughter on Friday and his fiancée on Saturday. So we agreed on making one Red Velvet with CreamCheese Icing and the other one was a Strawberry Shortcake with Chocolate Ganache (YummY) I love Ganache…
So this is how the cake due on Friday went…

The design called for a nice big loop bow on top of the second tier… so I decided to start that off nice and early so it would have time to dry and not have to worry about it being soft and/or fragile on the day of. I used lavender and white as the colors for the cake, I then rolled a long piece of fondant with my pasta maker attatchement and used a ruler to cut strips to size… then I rolled another piece and this time I used a herb mincer to make the trims for each loop (yes… an herb mincer.. Not some fancy and expensive sugar tool.. lol).
That is the picture of all the loops nice and ready… getting “ripe” hehehehehe…
Then I worked on the ribbon for the front of the cake with the Happy Birthday....
Then off to baking…. My house smells so so so good when we bake… I love it!…
I iced the cake and then covered with MMF (marshmallow fondant) and I tweaked my regular recipe just a bit and the results were excellent! Taste super YummY and it’s so good to work with..
After that I added all the circles all around the cake in various shades of purple, lavender & white… I also started to steam my cakes... makes them look super shiny... so shiny u'd think they are sticky.. but when u touch them.. they are nice and dry... I love it... look at this close up pic...

As you see below, when it all came together… it looked so adorable… I was so happy with how good it came out…
When we delivered the cake… you should’ve seen the little girl when she saw DH with his uniform delivering the cake, the little girl was super excited… turns out she is a huge fan of all the cake shows and when she saw DH’s uniform she told him that he looked just like the guys she sees on the cake shows… She asked him if he knew Chef Duff lol… she loved the cake and was very happy with the overall design. The table set-up they had matched with the cake perfectly… And to be honest… to me.. That’s all that matters… when I see a satisfied client it makes it all worth it…

So back to our kitchen we go… now on to the fiancée’s surprise birthday cake…. We baked a delicious Strawberry Shortcake with light and fluffy Strawberries and Cream and a nice rick chocolate ganache….

I made the topper a few days on advance just because Hello Kitty’s “curves” are not too slim lol.. So the piece needed to dry inside as well…
On Friday, we worked on tort-crumb-fill, and here is the picture of how good that cake looked inside and tasted….

The Hello Kitty was just a joy to make, I used a little hidden treasure as my guide (nope… not telling.. lol) I was not sure if I wanted to do it as a RI transfer or as a full 3D… and as always 3D is my preference… and she came out really really good… sometimes I amaze myself lol…

The ribbon… I looovveeeddd how good this ribbon came out… I used one of my new “toys” that I got at the ABE2010, it’s an embosser and it makes the ribbon really stand out… I love the combination, the contrast and all the pastel colors…
I don’t have a good picture of this cake, so I do apologize for that… and I also wish I had a better picture because this cake really spoke to me, having always loved Hello Kitty since I was a little girl…
So in the pictures, you can see what “great shots” I got… u see this delivery had to be done by DH because I had a scheduled tasting for the same time frame, I gave him the camera and also my phone…. I asked him to take lots of pictures and good shots so we could share them… he came home with (get this…) 1 picture… O_N_E picture, and he snap the pic in the back of out truck…. Hahahahahaha I couldn’t get upset… cause I thought it was just too funny… but at some point I need to realize that I might not be able to get pictures or good pictures or all my cakes… we do not have a huge staff here so we are only 2 and at times we will have to forgo some things in order to met all our clients needs. Well I still want to share the few bad pictures I have of the cake… and I hope that you can appreciate how good this one came out… Ohhh by the way… this was our first Out of State Delivery… woooHoooo lol

Anyways… I hope you enjoy this double entry and continue to check back with us… the bridal show thread is coming up and I promise you will enjoy it… it was a blast and a lot of neat things to share…
Both of your cakes came out very cute! I bet the daughter and fiance both just loved them! Congrats!