Tuesday, Feb-16-2010
Good Morning my dear readers...
Another week.... another exciting project. This week we are working on a cake with "congas", which is a percussion instrument used mostly by spanish players. Here is a pic:

Wed-Feb-17-2010 @ 12:40 pm
Hi everyone!Well.. yesterday went very well... finished all my baking... now they are nice and sealed settling down... today it's time for buttercream!! YummY!! filling! double YummY and crumb coat...
DH worked on details for the drums, here are some pics, and today i will be working on some music notes that I want to add as details on the side of the cake...

We took the drums and added some really nice shine with some confectioners glaze and it looks amazing! take a look:

Cya l8r...
Hya... it's me again hehehe
Well... I worked on the music notes... not tooooo happy but let me wait until they dry and see how they look, I also took advantage to do the happy b-day letters so they can dry with plenty of time... I might want to color them also.
My UPS haul is due to arrive today and I have one of my secret BC ingredients there so I can't start making it until that gets here... ggrrr... but I am doing other things while I wait so it's NOT time wasted! that's good... anyways... need to go out and make a run to the market...so we will chat later...
Wed-Feb-17-2010 @ 5:56 pm
Well this is the time when UPS brings me my stuff (ggrr) so I wasn't able to do all I wanted to do today nice and early,
Now it's dinner time... after dinner... time to make icing... then tmo will be for tort, fill & crumb.... On the other hand... very happy about the stuff I got... will post pics in my "haul" page!
Hi everyone.....
Very uneventful week and that's a good thing.... everything running smooth with my drummer boy project... I have some pics to share kater on tonite....
You see... I had an order for a music themed cake that looked promising... for x or y reason... the deal fell through.... well I had ordered some music cutters and a music sheet stencil.... but DH said: "How many music cakes will you do?" so I said... "guess u r right" so I cancelled the order.... next thing you know.... ANOTHER MUSIC THEME CAKE!!! hahahahaha
So... I said... ok ok np! I can do the notes by printing them and tracing them with fondant.... well... no ink on the printer! lol....
SO I go to buy it.... they are out of the ink I need!!
SO.... ok I say... let's do this free hand.... how hard can it be? yeahhhhhh well turns out if you are not a natural artist or good at drawing... that might be a challenge.... so I carefully... slowly... looking at the monitor.... and cutting my music notes... I got them done... they are good... but I wish they were better (that's always the case with me lol).
I did some research on the sheet lines and got some good ideas on how I might get them how I want them to be on the cake.. going to try it.... you will see if it works or not!
Now I'm going to do some more notes but they will be wired so they can be over the cake.... not many just 3 or 4... already added some CMC to my fondant and letting it settle now.... as you can see... uneventful might not mean the same thing to you and me lol...
I will be back l8r with some progression pics.. I promise!
Hi everyone!!!
Well things are running A OKAY! so far we are on time for this special delivery.... My music notes are all dried and set to go.
This morning... I knead it the fondant and colored it in a light beige tone... then I covered my cake... we wanted different earth tones throughout the cake so I added a top in a darker shade that hangs on the sides... then a double border.... one being dotted with a bone tool...
I also added some stripes, wavy and straight around the cake and put the HB Tom letters and some of the music notes.... it's coming out so good already....
Anyhow I promise some pics... and I have them! enjoy!
Here are the congas... shiny and all done up... hehehehe.. this was so much fun to do... they remind me of my childhood....

Here are the tappits (Funky Letters) drying alongside the music note... that I(BTW) did... FREE-HAND! :-)

Be Back l8r with the END RESULT!
Hi!!...well today is delivery day and I am very happy about the end result... it is a festive... musical... nice looking.... male birthday cake! Here it is.....

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