Hello my friends...
Well my baby girl's 4th b-day is on the 10th but we are celebrating it this Saturday, I will be starting on the cake details this morning so as you know there will be a lot of pics hehehe... I will be doing something inspired by the few cakes you see in the above picture...
My ideal cake would be very pink and cutesy with bows and maybe ballerinas and slippers and hearts and FLOWERS!!!!!! BUT...... she is into Ice Age now (a few weeks ago it was Lion King) so I kinda knew my pink cake dream wasn't going to be even before this lol. I keep buying her barbies and more barbie and you know what she does with the accessories the barbies' bring? she puts them on the ice age characters lol she put some high heels on dinosaurs and no matter how many Barbie's I buy... she goes back to her ICE AGE and Dinosaurs gggrrr but I have to do what makes HER happy not me lol..
Anyways... I will talk to u a little later on.... going to color the fondant/gumpaste in the colors of the characters and start baking on Wednesday so I have enough time to decorate without being in a rush...
Ok it's Mon-Feb-8th-2010 @ 1:35 pm
After coloring, which took forever!!! this is what I have so far on Sid The Sloth.... The Head Shape...
Looks pretty good.... now on to the body, I will add details after it dries... I don't' want to mess with is too much while is still wet cause I might... I know I will! discombobulate the shape of the head....
Mon-Feb-8th-2010 @ 2:58 pm
Just did the body part... it looks okay kinda big bottomed lol... but he's kinda big at the hips... I also used the veining tool to add texture to the body and also the head... u will see in the next set of pics... now I will work on the arms, feet and tail... let it all dry well, 'til tmo then start assembling it and adding the details... but while that dries I will start on Mannie, what I'm gonna do it work on Sid and Mannie first... if it's too much then I will just do them both and the eggs (baby Dino's) 'cause she loves playing mami to them...
Mon Feb-8th-2010 @ 5:14 pm

Mon Feb-8th-2010

Ok UPDATE!!! Here is Mannie with ears, eye balls, eyebrows and some hair... need to keep adding hair but it's tedious lol so I am taking a break so I don't do sloppy work....
I am very happy because I didn't think I was going to be anywhere near as close to how they look as I have so far... to add more depth to them we are going to airbrush them once they dry. I am going to add the details to Sid right after dinner and I will update you on the progress (or just like the other times before lol, I might end up getting knocked out and not work on them anymore until the morning) hehehe... but just so you can see..
When we are looking at all this from the outside... we see people on tv having 6-7 hours to finish a cake and we are like: "Ohhh that's soooooooo easy I can do that in no time.. why do they need 7 hours?!?!", but when u want your work to be as professional as possible... it takes hours and hours to make just one character, let alone 4 or 5... but when you LOVE doing it (like I do) it's just fun fun fun to sit there and work on them...
for now... Cya!
Hehehe I told ya! I might not come back lol... after dinner DH came home and I just decided to spend sometime with him... and it was okay becaue everytime I checked the figures... they were still not as dry as I would have wanted them to be before I would start adding the details.
So.. this morning... woke up not feeling all there at all.. not sure why, but what I did was a nice prayer to God... read some Psalms to make me see the joy in God's holiness and... I finished that... went to get the mail.. and there were some very exciting documents that came in that made me very very happy.. so now I am AOKAY lol...Anyways... this morning I already started to work on Sid the Sloth... I added his legs and claws.... glued that to the body and added his eye balls... now I am working on the right color for his lips... it's not pink, it's not red.. it's not brown, but it's like all those colors together... so I mixed few shades and now I'll give it 10 minutes to deepen so I can see which one works better....I will post the pics in my next entry....
Tue-Feb-9-2010 @ 2:28 pm
Hi again my friends....
take a look....

Well I'm gonna let this set now (I just need a break lol) then on to putting the arms and then glue the head... I get all desperate and just want to see the finish product asap, but i need to wait, cause patience is a virtue that I have not aquired/mastered yet lol...
Talk to you l8r... Cya

Wed,Feb,10th,2010 @ 7:10 am
Good Morning to all..
First off.. Happy Birthday to my little Girl Natie.... she is 4 today... she was born at 7 am on a morning like this 4 yrs ago... I can still recall that it was a snowy (bad snow storm) back then also... my mom was here from PR and she is scaredddd of the snow lol, she was with me and DH at the hospital and when she saw the snow, she made DH rush home to take her cause she was scared... I miss and love her dearly, my brother (lives in Chicago) is visiting her in PR as we speak and they are in a nice sunny island :-)
Well back to THE ICE AGE lol.. last night I did the tusks and made them out of pastillage and that stuff is hard to work with because u need to work fast otherwise it dries on you.... When I kept rolling it to make it pointy at the end, it kept drying and would "separate", so I would have to add water, re-knead and start over... but eventually I got it.... I did 2 sets and here are some of the pics, I have not glue them to mannie just yet, but it gives u an idea of how it is going to look.
Today I will finish Mannie, and finish Sid, then start on Scrat and the eggs....
Be safe out there, Philly is covered in snow and they predict snow all day long.. on top of the 20+inches we had this past weekend.....

Wed-Feb-11th-2010 @ 8:52 am
Good Morning everyone...
Well yesterday was an okay day... wasn't able to work on the figures as much as I would have liked due to other business matters that needed my attention. But I was able to finish with the assembly of both characters... As you can see Mannie, I say he's finish and you might be like... wait a sec... it's just his head?! Well that's all I need from Mannie for the cake design I have, his head will be kinda peeking out from the "cave" (cake).
I finished Sid... he was pretty easy to do... and the eyelashed which I thought were going to just brake off and fall (I made a lot of extras, just in case) none broke off or fell... that's good...
Mannie, his hair was a bit of a challenge because it's like a puffy thingy on the top and I had no idea how to build up all the puff without making a ton of hair and attaching it in layers... waiting for each layer to dry then add another... I found an easier way and I accomplished what I had envisioned...
This morning I will be painting them.. not the whole thing but just adding some shadings and depth to them... I had the beanie babies characters and some pictures as my "muse", but I think they ended up looking more like the stuffed animal version rather than the movie version, but I am okay with that.. I love how good they came out...
I will weight in whether I want to do the Scrat character or not... depends cause I have some orders that are due and I need to start some initial work on them... you will know before the day is over lol...
I kinda started doing some initial acorns just to see how they would look... here is a pic...

I like how they came out... with some darker paint on top and some highlighting streaks in the nut itself.. I know it will look awesome...
Anyways... let me get back to work... I will update you as things move along...
BTW: Another snow storm yesterday here in Philly.. and guess what?? remember I told you it was wishful thinking that our next door friends would use their snow blower to clear our house... well my kids did some shoveling in the morning when it was a mix of rain and snow... then it started to snow hard...so I told them to come in... well like at 8 pm our nice neighbors... went to clean their house and when I looked out the window.... they had clear our front...our sidewalk... and our driveway!!! so BIG KUDOSSSSS to our neighbors!!!
Talk to ya later..... Cya...
Here are more pics you guys... :-)

Oh dear dear! lol... he was by far the hardest to do.... I did the color... and 3x the color was all worng... finally I decided to go with just a light orangy brown cause I just wan't able to get the right color...
So I start doing the figure... and for the life of me... at first I just couldn't get the shape of the face right.... I did it 2 maybe 3 times before I was able to do one that I liked... the one pic above is the best one and I am happy (not too happy lol) but happy with how it came out.... the gray thingy next to it, that's the tail drying before I glue it to the figure... and the acorm is next to them also...
Now I am going to add some paint to do some highlights to the figures... let's hope it comes out okay... I will let u know...
Hope u r still enjoying my progress... hardships.... dilemas... and all that comes with it... tmo I will get the cake fondanted so I can make it look like the north pole... but I'll let u be the judge of of lol... nite nite my peeps...

Hello my dear friends...
Well whatcha think??? they are finally done....
Finishing them took a lot longer than expected due to little ol' me getting a cold and feeling so sick that I barely touched them yesterday, I feel a little better today.
I want to give kudos to DH because he did the paint work on them and they look great... I had done scrat in like an orange/brown color and it was all wrong, he used his "magic" and mixed some colors and got the right shade and it looks awesome...
Now on to putting it all together on the cake... so throughout the day, you will see how it all comes together...
I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.
Our prayers go out to the family, friends and Olympic family of that young man that had the unfortunate accident that took his life...
Hi everyone.... Are you ready??? Here we go.....
Mannie The Mammoth...

Here is Mannie the Mammoth... finished... already in position on the cake... we made a "cave" out of RKT covered in fondant and placed his head there...as if he's coming out of the cave.... I love the way it looks like the snow is falling all around him.
Sid The Sloth...

Sid was place in the corner next to scrat and he is holding a snow ball just like the one on top of Mannie's head... he just threw one and is ready to throw another hehehe....

Scrat came out sooooo cute.... I love it!... he has the acorn next to him "protecting" it as he hold a sign with the #4 for Nattie's age.... he's standing next to the cave.....

Here is a top/side view of the cake..... I love how cute it looks... it's very ICE AGE... nothing but ice and snow all over.... and they look just so good together....
DH working on the cake here he is adding the final touch ups.... some shimmer dust and sugar flakes to make it look like ice crystals all over.... I must tell you... I had the vision, but without him I could have not brought it to life.... he is amazing!

Here is a collage of the cake with some close-up pictures....

Here is the cake from various angles... I hope you guys enjoyed this adventure as much as we did... ironic.... me working on a snow themed cake during the worst snow storm in Philly hehehe.

PS. I need to share this with you 'cause I thought it was hillarious... So yesterday I go to Party City to get all the decorations for her party... And of course she went along with me and my middle son, he took her to another section while I went to get her things...
SO I am looking for Ice Age theme party accesories... of course they DO NOT have it... so I keep looking and based on what I sw... I "had no choice" but to get everything PINK with the princess theme ( YEAHHHH!!!) I said: "Well everything will be all girly girly in pink and she will just have her Ice Age cake!".
So as I am walking to the register to pay.... I pass by the boys birthday section, and of course what do I see?..... a jungle theme bundle (like Ice Age dawn of the DINASOURS) and I start thinking that, even though I might not like it as much as the pink princess.... it goes with the cake theme 100 times better... BOOOHOOOOO.
So... I start pouting as I sadly put all the PINK princess stuff back... and get all the Jungle Dinasour Theme Stuff...
AND!!! to top it all... there were like 3-4 other mom's getting all these nice girly theme accesories (Dora... Bratz... Hannah Montana... Pink Princess, etc...) It's just not fair!!!!
lol it's okay.... as long as she is happy.... I will do her birthday based on what she likes!
Anyways.... nite nite to all... hopefully my cold will go away soon.
I will share the birthday pictures with you tmo...

Darling work Natalie!
ReplyDeletewow! excellent!
ReplyDeletei love it its sooooooooo cute
ReplyDeletefrom bianca